Thursday, November 29, 2012

confesions of a young adult.

The artist by *adrianismyname
as much as i'd like to think that i can keep doing this alone, i can't. well not really at least.
college was great. being in the real world is just so different. sure i'm getting work in a profession i love and i'm saving money at being at home, but i miss my friends. of all the challenges i thought i'd face in the real world, this was not one of them.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Window by ~KeybladeXIII (my deviant account)
i miss photography so much.
the ability to work a SLR camera
developing the film on my own
making contact sheets
creating prints
the smell of fixer (gotta admit, you grow to love it)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

the art of sitting still. [or lack there of]

i just can't sit still.
The Birds by ~shureoner
i always need to be moving, be it shaking my leg or twisting around in my chair.

its time to put all my ideas on paper.
to go and be more active.

mainly. i just need to get out of this house.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

stepping off the platform

Fencing Voodoo by *AlbertoArni
Clearly I've been failing at updating this blog. Now that I'm unemployed it should be easier to keep up with it.

I'm going to try to document more of my life into this. My experiences now that I'm all graduated and what not.

We'll see how this goes.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

an imaginative story

so I stumbled upon some document on my computer.
It's a story I started to write. It's fairly decent. It has some kinks to work out, but I'm sure it could be good. possibly.

I'm trying to add to it, maybe it'll become a bestseller one day. And for you reading this, you can look at the book and go "I used to read this kid's blog, now he wrote a book. weird."

pocket watch by ~shoshin005
At least, that's would I would think if I followed a blog a random person wrote and they ended up writing a book.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

deep is how i roll

Life is too short to let something small get you all worked up.
Take a chance, don't be afraid to move forward.
Relax, take a deep breath. You can do this.
boop by ~021
You're not like other people, so don't compare yourself to them, or hold yourself to their standards.
Be yourself, don't try and fit the mold.

Advice can be a wonderful thing.
It's so easy to give, but so hard to follow your own.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Frozen Frame ~sealtiel
A dreamy guy and a great date leads to a really good friendship. Not exactly what I had in mind but it's better than nothing.

Monday, June 18, 2012

day of birth. part 22

Butterbeer mini cupcake
I usually try to post on my birthday, I was so busy at work and then doing birthday things I didn't get the chance.

I don't feel any different. Then again 22 is not that exciting of a birthday.

I did make some mean butterbeer cupcakes though. that was awesome.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Clearly I've been busy since my last post. No worries, I'm still alive.

A quick recap:
I have graduated from college. Woah.
Something for the Nerves by ^alicexz
Have a job at a theatre. Crazy
Currently looking for more work. I know like an adult or something.

I have been indescribably happy the past few days too. For no apparent reason. I get in the car, pull out the drive way and I can't help but smile a huge goofy looking grin.

Maybe there's something in the air.
Things could not feel more perfect.
Now don't get me wrong. Nothing's really gone 'right' per say. But it all just feels good. Ya know?

I also just finished Perks of being a Wallflower.

And I must say

I understand what he means by feeling infinite.
Well, because last night I was infinite.

Friday, April 13, 2012

as real as it's going to get

Pokemon Trainer: Carter by *Zoidsfan507
Quickly approaching is that time to move on to the "real world"
If anyone was to say that nothing was real in college, well, clearly they didn't pay attention.

I won't be going back to the good ole Ho-Flo any time soon. It also doesn't seem like most of my friends will be there either.

I've never wavered on my future. Never questioned if I'll succeed or fail at whatever will happen outside of college. Lucky for me, things just happen to work out at the last minute. Every, single, time.

With the threat of not seeing many of my friends again, worry begins to set in. Minnesota, Oregon, New York, Illinois. Vastly different sections of the country.


You'd think pokemon would have better prepared me for this. Hell, they start out when they're like 15 and just travel around the world.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

cloud nine

Oh glory by *viria13
i've got the biggest grin currently.


it's fantastic. oh how the little things make me indescribably happy.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

a day that just doesnt exist

Today's leap day.

One of the most exciting days I think.
It happens only once every four years, so it's like it doesn't exist.

To not take advantage of such a wonderful day would be a mistake.
Dead serious by ~shirotsuki

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

painfully unaware

Ever wonder what's up with those weird posts people make that have a title that has absolutely nothing to do with the content?

HS: 11021101 by =Zilleniose
Me too.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


there is a terrifying moment where the future suddenly seams so difficult and uncertain.
Digital by =Sajira
it's in this moment where the present seems so secure,
and the past feels familiar.

Man, what I'd give for a digimon.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jello Wrestling

I waited to post this until I got a photo from the night. So here's the post that should have gone up on October 9th 2011:

By far the most epic weekend ever.
By far the best marathon in the history of marathons.
I'm a legend now.
All because of Jello Wrestling.
The cops even came by because of the noise.
   "wait you're jello wrestling?"
   "yes officer"
   "do you have a champion yet?"
   "no, but we are about to find out in three rounds"
   "alright, keep going just keep it down."
   "and if we don't show up again, then you know the party wasn't a success"

And the did show up again, and broke up marathon.
I still cannot get over it.
I'm still sore, but it was SO WORTH IT.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

something to look at.

by..your..side by *ceal-sakura-ai
I'm beginning to worry that I'll start posting duplicates of the images. I guess that's what happens when I upload them via url instead of off my desktop. Can't keep track of these crazy pictures.

tomorrow marks the return to school.

there ya go. i posted.
