Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jello Wrestling

I waited to post this until I got a photo from the night. So here's the post that should have gone up on October 9th 2011:

By far the most epic weekend ever.
By far the best marathon in the history of marathons.
I'm a legend now.
All because of Jello Wrestling.
The cops even came by because of the noise.
   "wait you're jello wrestling?"
   "yes officer"
   "do you have a champion yet?"
   "no, but we are about to find out in three rounds"
   "alright, keep going just keep it down."
   "and if we don't show up again, then you know the party wasn't a success"

And the did show up again, and broke up marathon.
I still cannot get over it.
I'm still sore, but it was SO WORTH IT.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

something to look at.

by..your..side by *ceal-sakura-ai
I'm beginning to worry that I'll start posting duplicates of the images. I guess that's what happens when I upload them via url instead of off my desktop. Can't keep track of these crazy pictures.

tomorrow marks the return to school.

there ya go. i posted.
