Friday, June 24, 2011

Confusion is not a form of physics.

I've never felt more confused about my feelings than I have in these past few weeks.

Falling for someone you cannot be around is just stupid. right?
 Am I falling for him?
                                  i don't know.
Maybe i'll be able to figure it out in august.

-Let Me Take You There- by *Peibee-an-Jay
 So much uncertainty.

Everything just felt so right just hanging out with him.
Which scares me and excites me, because I haven't felt like that in forever.
                               Its weird to think that i rarely feel comfortable around someone. Maybe i'll just make the most of this summer and see what happens

But he'll probably read this and think I'm a creep.             
                                                                                                                                      I think too much

Maybe i should just worry about what's for lunch

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