Monday, August 29, 2011

opening marathon.

This was my last opening marathon. Upsetting that it was the last one, but it was by far the best one.

To top it off, we have the coolest littles ever.
I absolutely love them.
Their names are Tim, Anna, M.C., and David. They are the best and I cannot wait until we all get to hang out again.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

time. out.

I don't know how to tell you this but
don't take this seriously.
don't even take it personally.
don't think right now that this is about you.
because it's not.

You suck. You really do.
I'm jealous of what you have. I can admit to that.
I'm bummed it didn't work. Plain and simple.
You are one of the only reasons I'm doing this.
You kind of annoy me, but I'm hoping its just a phase.
Please, and I'm only saying this because I care and don't want to see you get hurt, be careful.
I'm sorry, I just don't feel that way.
I trust that you know what you're doing, but if it doesn't work out I'm here.
I have one regret and it's thanks to you.

I hate you, yet I don't.
I think of the good times and smile, but when I remember that it's a memory sorrow will strike.

Help from a Hufflepuff by *abosz007
My problems are miniscule compared to those around me. I get that. No seriously, I do. As selfish of me as it sounds, I hate it, it's nothing compared to everyone else. Therefore, I feel uncomfortable talking about it. I don't like talking about myself and what I feel knowing the pain you go through. I don't exactly know what to say to help with anything.

thank you.
for letting me rant.
I hope this didn't bother you, make you uncomfortable, disappoint, or raise unnecessary questions.
It wasn't even aimed at you anyway.

Just let this serve as my time-out for a moment to emo it up in a way.
since I don't want to talk about it, or have someone to talk about it to. this was best.

we all could use a little help from a hufflepuff

Friday, August 26, 2011


Meeting between crosswalks by *sylphielmetallium
When it comes down to it. everything adds up to choosing a side.
When a relationship ends, the mutual friends usually pick a side to stay friends with.

I feel like I lost. The funny thing about it. I wasn't even in a relationship.
No matter how mad I may be with/at you, I still tell people how awesome you are.

Honestly, I don't even know what to do about it other than to leave it alone.


Alice by =Sugarrock99
I'm fairly curious to know who actually reads my blog.

As far as i can tell, I've been averaging about 7 hits a day all from Mac's.
I only know one person who has a Mac and knows about my blog.

So who are the other 6?

Curiouser and curiouser.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Around the World by *messa
I've returned to work recently. It's the best thing right now. I've missed the people I work with.

I also discovered I'm apparently known in the drama department by people i don't even talk to. It makes me feel really good. Not to mention I make a mean pita. So what's not to love.

Although I must say the one thing that struck me as the most odd. My co-worker said something changed about me over the summer. That I appear more mature, and wiser. I mean, I did do a lot of stuff this summer. Which in a way shaped a few new ideas and feelings. Strangely enough, I wonder if she's right. If I did gain some new found maturity that I didn't have last year. I mean, she is pretty smart. Maybe she knows what she's talking about.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


TRANCE by *Archie-The-RedCat
what a way to feel.
but it's ok, honestly.
because you know, it's not worth it.


Friday, August 19, 2011


House Brawl by =alicexz
I finally got my Pottermore Email and I could not be more excited. It's actually pretty cool and I'm loving all the new facts and information.

I got sorted into Gryffindor.
I'm feeling good.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


fur by ~KalbiCamdan
It feels good to be back.

Although something feels a little off.

So I'll just shrug it off.

Like it's nothing

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

perfectly content.

mad hatter by *bitterev
After everything that I've experienced this summer. The ups, the downs, the flat line, I'm fairly happy with the way everything turned out. Now I say fairly because i'm content. I'm happy about where I am right now.

As I sat down eating my noodles it occurred to me just how happy I actually was. Granted it was mid conversation about issues going on in life. But it got me thinking, there is so much more going to happen soon. Why dwell on the unpleasant? Its weird how much the weekend put me in perspective of what's what in my life. It's making me feel oddly optimistic.

I'm glad I'm actually stepping outside of the box, instead of just talking about it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

a bump in the road

I keep a set of rules for myself.
The Good by *kizer180

Ones that i think will help me out and keep me out of trouble.
don't date friends, things will end poorly.
if there is a problem try and talk it out asap.
drink water when drinking, you'll feel better.
bros before hoes. (not really one of them. but i keep it in mind)
if you feel uncomfortable, get out of that situation.
don't take the last food item at a party, someone else may want it.

there are more, but i won't bore you with the details.
i set them to try to make life a bit easier. but there are times i break them. when i do. it sucks.

Friday, August 12, 2011

deception is key

i'm a huge fan of lies.small ones are the easiest to believe.
perhaps it's because lie lies in the middle of believe.

3 by ~przypadek

it's simple to get lost in them. carefully weave them and you can become a master of disguise.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

it's no mystery

or is it?
I used to get scared watching Scooby-Doo because of all the monsters and spooky music.
Now I like to see if I can solve the Mystery as the show/movie goes on.

The Scooby-Doo Crew by *kizer180

Sunday, August 7, 2011

a mistake

We all make them. Life goes on.
Last night was the most surreal experience ever.

Aside from a small hicup in the night, I had a really good time.

Smoke by ~enmi

Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

the cards tell all

Bordom got me back to reading tarot cards.

So last night, I decided to do random readings. Pulling cards out just thinking about people.

It's kinda scary how acurate they can be to portray someone.
Lucky Fortune by `girltripped

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

a strange feeling

I decided to play around with my tarot cards last night. Interesting things.
I wanted to be productive today. Amazingly enough I got quite a bit done. It feels good, and at the same time I feel weird. Can't really explain it.

Lovely colours by =Camelia-07

Now if I could only figure out what to do with the rest of my day...