Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Around the World by *messa
I've returned to work recently. It's the best thing right now. I've missed the people I work with.

I also discovered I'm apparently known in the drama department by people i don't even talk to. It makes me feel really good. Not to mention I make a mean pita. So what's not to love.

Although I must say the one thing that struck me as the most odd. My co-worker said something changed about me over the summer. That I appear more mature, and wiser. I mean, I did do a lot of stuff this summer. Which in a way shaped a few new ideas and feelings. Strangely enough, I wonder if she's right. If I did gain some new found maturity that I didn't have last year. I mean, she is pretty smart. Maybe she knows what she's talking about.

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