My computer's over its Virus.
i'm nervous as hell.
Open up the sky by: yuumei |
Our speeches got sent out. Alex's was 6 times longer than mine and sounded so much better. I mean SOO much better. Like if you shopped at IKEA for everything in your small London flat instead of at wal-mart. Hell i'd vote for her. I'm 80% sure she's going to win. (that extra 20% is just there so i have some ray of hope left, )
i've been going around asking people to vote for me. i usually get one of two answers:
a. Yeah
b. i'm not sure who else is running? Oh Alex? ssssss ooooo. That's tough. I'm not sure.
I know that the ones who chose option [b] are saying that for one of two reasons.
a. they've already decided on voting for alex, but they don't want to upset me. (how nice. not really*)
b. they honestly cannot decide. like the difference between coconut's milk and coconut milk.
* i'd rather know who isnt voting for me this way I can have a better idea who to smooze up too.
those who picked option [a] i feel like are only saying that so i don't have to keep asking them.
i'm pretty sure i've told the same person to vote for me like 8 times in one hour.
point is. i'm extreamly nervous. a little scared to. but not "someone hid a spider in my bag seconds before i fill my mouth with candy" scared.
i hate it when people tell me not to sweat it. this is a huge deal to me and this is something that cannot be purely "sweated out."
after our trip to the city tomorrow we'll know who they picked. oh god i hope i get it.
i'm so nervous i've used references to the high school show's i've done.
man i'm lame.
Well in the highly unlikely event that a Student of Syracuse University's Theatre Design/Technical Theatre department see this. Vote for me. I'll blog about it.