Friday, April 29, 2011


I'm feeling adventurous today.

i already survived a monsoon this week, maybe there will be another one for me to run through

i've been watching a lot of dead like me
makes me think.
i wonder what people would say at my funeral
hopefully good things.
Dope kicks - train sketch by *t-wei
then again, i've never head of a funeral where something bad is mentioned about the person "Millie was a real bitch in the office, but when it came to partying man was she a slut-whore"

that just doesnt happen.

ps. did you notice the word 'fun' is in funeral? (see i made it easier to find the word fun)
as depressing as they are someone should make them fun. but not in the "lets hire a clown" kind of way.
thats not fun, just plain odd and weird.

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