Friday, April 15, 2011


Fact: they suck.
its colder in my apartment than it is outside.

My friends are worried about their futures.
I had a minor freak out once that Design is not something I wanted to do.
I think i just want to be an Art Teacher.
but then i think how much i hate waking up at at 8 am

then i think i can be an artist. but that doesn't always work out

at some point i slowly began to not care as much where my future was going to lead me
because a job is just one piece of the puzzle, but there are so many other things i want to do.

go to colorado
have a family someday
own a small business
have my own gallery exhibit
design a show that gets me recognized

But whatever, i think i'm going to travel around a bit after college. maybe grad school down the line. but right now i just want to experience my life and not watch it pass me by as i worry about what i could be.

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