Tuesday, April 2, 2013

putting the ex in text

Since this is my blog, I'ma vent for a minute.

My ex-boyfriend, who was a total ass, texted me out of the blue. Yeah, the guy I dumped almost exactly 3 years ago texted me.

"Hey Henry, this is Pat. Funny story, I found your spirited away DVD!"
Clearly I changed the names, because the internet is forever. think about it

A. I deleted your number years ago, why did you not delete mine?
B. Not funny. I knew you took it. I even told you that when you moved out.
C. That movie was 23 bucks, and it's a fucking good movie.

Was this really necessary?
My conclusion: He's just striking up a way to talk to me. Probably to make it sound like he's doing amazing and that his life is better or some weird shit.

So naturally, I ignored and deleted the text.

Monday, April 1, 2013

a foolish april

what a lame day today was. it was super cold outside, after a glorious weekend of 50 degree weather.
I got no work done.
I got emails about updates on the work that i've yet to complete.

The boy who loved heights by =nuriko-kun
I just feel a little lost.

I'm still struggling with the idea of moving to NYC.
I'm worried about finding design work.
I'm worried about having a job. income. taxes. all grown up stuff.

Being at home right now feels like summer vacation. only without the perks of friends and warm weather. Which I think is a leading factor into my laziness. Old habits die hard.