This one's for you Kid.
Ain't nothin' but a thang. by *Sephiramy |
I too believe in fate. I believe that there are some things in life we are destined to go through, be it a small choice like eating toast in the morning. To loosing someone we love. These past week has taught me so much in the value of friendship that i couldn't even to begin to say how lucky i am. If you never messaged me and pushed me on to join theatre I know I wouldn't be at Syracuse. We never would have became friends. We would never have made notes on what schools you should go to. Hell I never would have even came out. You never would have introduced me to your awesome friends you've made like Krissy and Zach. Our lives would have been so different if we never met.
I told you I'd buy you a new phone. You asked me why and I never really gave you a good enough reason as to why I wanted to. But just know that these are the kind of things i think about. And they make me realize what a great person you are and how I'd probably stop functioning if you weren't there. Hell sometimes I'm jealous of you.
I cannot wait til we're done with college and can go live in Colorado or somewhere fun.
Cuz we're two fly mother fuckers in a world of misunderstanding people.
So thanks.
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