Wednesday, February 13, 2013

one day these words will reach you

happy birthday.
I mean it, and yet at the same time I don't.
There are few people in this world that I can trust will be there for me. No matter what happens, where I am, the distance between us, I'll always have them. You're different.
At one point we shared a common interest in our future. Now, I'm lucky to be included in your present. It's rough. Our lives are taking in us in different directions, to different parts of the country. I always hoped that we'd stay close no matter what. I've notice the drift last year, but thanksgiving is when that drift hit me.

Lilo and Stitch (And a smooch, oh my) by *Vilva
One day as you're sitting in your room cleaning out your stuff getting ready to move, you'll stumble upon a photo of us. I can't predict what will go through your head anymore, but i hope it's realization and sadness. Sadness that we haven't spent more than twenty minutes together, let alone talking in a very long time. Realization that this is one of those moments that we talked about doing together: moving somewhere fun.

To keep it simple; I hate that you didn't make an effort to hang out with me or talk to me after a year. Yet, I still miss your company.

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