Thursday, February 28, 2013

artistic stile

i've done some thinking. after a few days of panic and laziness, i've set up some reasonable goals and timelines for myself.

which may help me figure out where i want to be a year from now.
-i'm going to sketch everyday. something personal/ not work related
-go to the gym everyday. i want to look awesome this summer
-teach myself new techniques in painting.
-start making my comics again.
-just make the art like that which i'm inspired by. so i can stop wishing i could be more like that person, and actually get creative.
-spend more time downtown. out of the house even, but downtown is so much cooler than irwin park. lemme tell you.
-attempt to blog at least 5 times a week (i'd say everyday, but we've seen how well that's worked out)

it's fool proof! (even if I may revert to my old ways in like a week. here's hoping i don't)
and one day i'll score someone like stiles.
a boy can dream can't he?

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