Friday, July 1, 2011

Don't read this.

I'm the kind of person that wants to know everything about what's going on. It doesn't matter if i don't even know what the conversation is about. I just like to be a part of it and know other people's business. I get that from my mom. She's a bit of a nosey nancy. 
400,000 hits. by `ravenskar

I've done so much this month for my friends. Be it driving someone's sister to work, to rubbing someone's back when they feel ill. I'm pretty sure I've done more things this month than I have in the entire year. Which makes me feel good that it hasn't been a total waste so far.

LOL (Aly, ask me why  i decide to add this random shout out. You may like it)

Yeah so. this is a stupid post. but i did kinda tell ya not to read it. 

Thanks for not listening bitch.

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